Welcome to Medical Imaging Erina.
Quality images and comprehensive reports.
Patient Safety |
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Patient Safety

Patient Safety

During your CT and X Ray procedure you will be exposed to a small amount of radiation. The benefits of detecting disease are believed to outweigh any potential risks from receiving such a small dose. At each of our practices, we have special protocols to ensure that exposure during the scan is kept to the minimum required without compromising image quality.

Infection Control

Medical Imaging Erina’s Infection Control Guidelines are based on State and Federal Guidelines and Standards, and utilise currently accepted practices and procedures.

The Practice routinely uses disposable, single use gloves, catheters, needles and syringes. It provides gowns, face masks, protective glasses and sterilising fluids for use in appropriate Infection Control Guidelines. Medical equipment that is to be re-used is cleaned and sterilised in accordance with the Australian Standard.

Please Remember

Please remember to bring all previous x-rays and imaging investigations with you to your appointment.