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Patient My Xrays FAQ |
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Patient My Xrays FAQ

My Xrays FAQ for Patients

Q: How do I get set up for online image access?

An online account is set up automatically for our patients who have provided their mobile and/or email address when registering at reception. An email or sms link will be sent to patients as soon as their study is available for viewing. Some studies may take up to 5 business days to process as they may require additional steps such as blood work to be analysed by our radiologists before releasing results.

Alternatively, you may go to the app login page and request activation.

If you haven’t provided your mobile number or email address, please email our team on info@quantumradiology.com.au and request your details to be updated and an account to be set up manually.

Q: What is my username? 

Your username is usually your mobile number or email in the absence of a contact number.

Your password is created upon opening the activation link sent when activating your account.

Q: I forgot my password. How do I reset it?

If you require a new password and have forgotten your previous password, you may do so by either emailing us or initiating this process yourself by clicking “forgot your password?” on the login page below the username and password fields.

Click here to go to the MyXrays sign in page on your browser.

Q: I have received an account activation link but the app says my email or number is not valid.

If you are having issues registering or activating your email or mobile number, this may be because this email or number is already registered, usually with a family member. This may mean that your studies are part of a shared account.

If you wish to have a separate account, please provide a unique mobile or email address.

If you still have issues activating your account, please email myxrays@quantumradiology.com.au

Q: When do I receive my report?

Our reports are sent to the referring doctor as soon as they are authorised by our radiologists. Please book in a follow up appointment with your referring healthcare specialist. All patients will receive a copy of their report up to a week after their study.

For further troubleshooting assistance, please click here to go to the My Xrays Support Centre page.

Alternatively, please email myxrays@quantumradiology.com.au for any other issues.