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Quality images and comprehensive reports.
X-Ray |
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Medical Imaging Mount Druitt is at the forefront of utilisation of modern developments in radiography, with the state-of-the-art X-ray systems installed in our practice.

Digital Radiography is revolutionising X-ray images; this advanced technology allows for immediate observation of images, lower exposure, and higher image quality with the ability to enhance images creating clarity for intricate structures such as fine hairline structures.

What is X-Ray?

X-ray uses radiation to make images of bones, teeth and internal organs. X-rays allow our Radiologists to take pictures of the inside of your body.

One of the first forms of medical imaging, x-ray is a simple, painless medical test that can help your doctor provide you with appropriate treatment. It’s a fast, easy and safe way for your doctor to view and assess conditions ranging from detecting fractures and other bone abnormalities.

Is there any preparation involved?

There is no special preparation required for most x-rays. Upon arrival you may be asked by the radiographer to change into a gown before your examination. You may also be asked to remove jewellery, eyeglasses, or any metal objects that may obscure the images.

Your Safety

You will be exposed to a very small amount of radiation when you receive an x-ray. At Medical Imaging Mount Druitt, we use advanced digital x-ray equipment to ensure you are exposed to the minimum amount of radiation needed to obtain adequate images.

If you are pregnant or suspect that you may be, please advise our staff before the test is performed, as special precautions may have to be taken.