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Quality images and comprehensive reports.
Wide bore MRI |
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Wide bore MRI

Ambient Experience


Medical Imaging Erina’s new Philips Ingenia 3T MRI with ambient experience means faster exam times and enhanced comfort. At the same time it delivers high quality, detailed images needed to deliver the best care possible.

We have a partially Medicare funded machine which means that General Practitioner’s are able to order certain MRI scans at the Bulk Bill rate for the first time without the need for a specialist referral. Discover the difference at Quantum Radiology today.

What is MRI?

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is a safe, painless and powerful diagnostic imaging test. MRI technology is very complex but essentially uses a strong magnetic field and radio waves to produce exquisite images of many of the body’s internal structures. MRI is a very safe test because it doesn’t use radiation to collect the images.

Preparation ans Safety

At Medical Imaging Erina our Philips Ingenia 3T MRI machine provides a broad selection of MRI procedures. When you arrive at our practice, you will be required to complete an MRI Safety Questionnaire. This assists us in identifying if you have any metal, surgical implants or electrical devices that may not be safe to go inside the scanner’s strong magnetic field. Our qualified and accredited MRI technologists are happy to discuss with you the specific procedure requested by your doctor and any preparation necessary.

If you are pregnant or suspect that you may be, please advise our staff before the test is performed, as special precautions may have to be taken.

MRI Medicare Criteria

MRI Services Under Medicare Referred by a Medical Practitioner Children UNDER 16 Years

MRI Head / Sinus

Unexplained seizure
Headache where significant pathology is suspected
Paranasal sinus pathology which has not responded to conservative treatment

MRI Spine

Assessment of significant trauma
Unexplained neck or back pain with significant neurological signs
Unexplained back pain with significant pathology suspected

MRI Knee

Assessment of internal joint derangement
Suspected fracture or avulsion injury


Investigation of suspected septic arthritis
Investigation of slipped capital femoral epiphysis
Perthes disease

MRI Elbow

Suspected fracture or avulsion injury that will change treatment

MRI Wrist

uspected scaphoid fracture

Adults 16 Years and OVER

MRI BRAIN (With or Without Contrast)

Unexplained Seizures
Unexplained Chronic Headaches with suspected Intracranial Pathology

MRI CERVICAL SPINE (With or Without Contrast)

Cervical Radiculopathy

MRI CERVICAL SPINE (With or Without Contrast)

Cervical spine trauma

MRI KNEE (With or Without Contrast)

Clinical findings suggesting acute anterior Cruciate Ligament Tear
Inability to extend the knee suggesting the possibility of acute Meniscal Tear