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Quality images and comprehensive reports.
Ultrasound |
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Medical Imaging Erina has invested in state-of-the-art ultrasound machines. We believe our machines are world class providing advanced diagnostic imaging capabilities.

What is an Ultrasound?

An ultrasound is an imaging examination that uses high frequency sound waves to create pictures of various parts of the body. The reflected sound wave echoes are recorded and displayed as real-time visual images. Ultrasound uses no radiation and a technician called a Sonographer performs the scan.

What are the common uses of Ultrasound Imaging?

The improved resolution of very high frequency probes and ultrasound software has led to better visualisation of soft tissues. Ultrasound imaging is commonly used to image many areas of the body including the pelvis and abdomen, musculoskeletal system, structures such as tendons at the shoulder and ankle,the breast, the male reproductive system, kidney, thyroid, salivary glands, gall bladder, pancreas and the developing fetus.

How long will the procedure take?

The length of the exam varies with the type of ultrasound exam you are having. Please check with our reception staff for the estimated time required in your case when you make your appointment.

Is there any preparation involved?

Upon arrival you may be asked by the radiographer to change into a gown before your examination. You may also be asked to remove jewellery, eye glasses, or any metal objects that may obscure the images. The preparation for an ultrasound depends on the area of the body that is being scanned. Usually all that is required is for you to remove all jewellery and clothing from the area being examined. Sometimes you may be asked to change into a gown.

Depending on the type of Ultrasound examination you maybe asked to fast or you may need to drink water to fill your bladder, this is usually required for pregnancy and other lower abdominal examinations. You will be advised by our reception staff if you require any special preparation when you make your appointment.

What happens during the procedure?

You will be asked to lie on a table and a warm gel will be applied over the skin area being examined. The Sonographer will move a device called a transducer slowly over the surface of the area, producing a sensation of firm pressure on the skin, moving it until the desired images are captured. While the images are made, the patient may be asked to breath in/out or hold your breath whilst remaining very still.