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Interventional Radiology |
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Interventional Radiology

CT and Ultrasound Injections


Interventional radiology is a sub-speciality field of radiology that involves minimally invasive procedures. Our radiologists have vast experience and training in this field. We can perform these procedures quickly and efficiently to provide pain relief or biopsy diagnosis.

A small needle is used to perform biopsies and injections optimising patient comfort. Imaging is used to accurately guide to the appropriate position for best results. Treatments can range from biopsies of lesions and suspected cancers to the drainage of cysts. Interventional Radiology is used for the treatment of sport injuries and pain management.

Interventional radiology ensures minimal discomfort and a rapid recovery, often avoiding or prolonging the need for surgery.

Types of Interventional radiology

Spinal Injections
Joint and Soft Tissue Injections
Fine Needle Aspiration and Biopsy (FNAB)
Core Biopsy

Spinal Injections (Facet Joint, Nerve Root, Epidural)

The patient usually has a recent CT or MRI of the spine, which assists in procedure planning and assessment. The patient is also clinically assessed for pain distribution and the type of pain. Once the assessment is made the injections are then protocolled by our specialists and the patient is booked for the injections. Some patients will require more than one injection to assist in achieving optimal symptomatic relief. If you experience any adverse effects post procedure, please contact our practice, see your doctor/seek medical attention as soon as possible.The procedure is performed under low dose CT guidance using a small needle; the procedure takes about 5 minutes and is performed with little or no discomfort. Local anaesthetic and cortisone are usually used to provide pain relief. Injections can help determine the pain source and may provide long-term or permanent relief. If the symptoms return, additional injections can be given at intervals apart.Diabetic patients are asked to closely monitor blood sugar levels after the procedure.

Joint and Soft Tissue Injections

Fine Needle Aspiration and Biopsy (FNAB)The patient initially has an assessment scan which assists in procedure planning and assessment. Once the images are reviewed the patient returns for the procedure. This procedure usually takes less than 5 minutes and the needle is usually smaller than a blood test needle, optimising patient comfort.

Core Biopsy

Core Biopsies are usually performed on breast lesions with ultrasound guidance. Depending on the clinical setting, our specialist will determine whether a Fine Needle Biopsy or Core Biopsy is performed. Core Biopsies involve using a larger needle when compared to the Fine Needle Biopsy. Local anaesthetic is administered to make the procedure as comfortable as possible for the patient.


The patient initially has an assessment scan which assists in procedure planning and assessment. Once the images are reviewed the patient returns for the procedure. This procedure usually takes less than 5 minutes and the needle is usually smaller than a blood test needle, optimising patient comfort.

Types of Spinal Injections

Facet Joint Injections

CT Guided Facet Joint Injections are beneficial to relieve pain from facet capsule-arthritis or instability. Patients usually have hip/buttock pain with cramping leg pain and stiff back, tenderness and pain on back extension. Facet Joint injections usually provide a high level of pain relief in patients with facet joint arthritis.

Nerve Root Injections

CT Guided Nerve Root Blocks are beneficial to patients with Sciatica type symptoms. Selective Nerve Root Injection usually provides a high level of pain relief in patients with nerve root impingement.

Joint and Soft Tissue Injections

Fine Needle Aspiration and Biopsy (FNAB)The patient initially has an assessment scan which assists in procedure planning and assessment. Once the images are reviewed the patient returns for the procedure. This procedure usually takes less than 5 minutes and the needle is usually smaller than a blood test needle, optimising patient comfort.

Epidural Injections

CT Guided Epidural Injections are beneficial in patients with “disc” related pain that usually presents as a deep midline ache, radiation to buttock and thigh, the patients often have a reduced sitting tolerance. CT Guided Epidural blocks usually provides a high level of pain relief in patients with discogenic symptoms.

Shoulder Injections

Shoulder injections are performed under Ultrasound or CT Guidance depending on the specific area that needs to be injected for symptomatic relief. The procedure takes about 2-5 minutes, and is usually painless.

Bursal and Joint Injections

Bursal and Joint Injections are beneficial in patients with joint and bursal pain in the hip, elbow, wrist, knee or ankle. Bursal and Joint injections are performed under Ultrasound or CT Guidance depending on the specific area that needs to be injected for symptomatic relief.