Welcome to Medical Imaging Erina.
Quality images and comprehensive reports.
Additional Services |
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Additional Services

Workers Compensation and Third Party Cases

As part of our service and dedication to referring doctors and patients, we accept all Workers Compensation (Work Cover) and Third Party cases.

At Quantum Radiology we can:

1. Organise pre-approval (patient will need to have a claim number)

2. Book the appointment at a suitable time, including Interventional Procedures

3. Organise quick appointments for fast turn around of results

4. Provide reports by a Specialist Radiologist

Staff at Quantum Radiology are experienced in insurance cover approval for all medical imaging tests and we understand how important it is to quickly diagnose patient’s injuries that occur in the work place so the patient can receive immediate and appropriate treatment for a speedy recovery and return to work.

All Workers Compensation cases are billed at AMA rates.